Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| Eth | +$0.03 | |||
Ether | +0.0000082658076 | | +$0.03 | ||
| Eth | +$0.02 | |||
Ether | +0.0000072515713 | | +$0.02 | ||
| Eth | +$0.00 | |||
Ether | +0.00000020786768 | | +$0.00 | ||
| Eth | -$0.05 | |||
Ether | -0.000015725247 | | -$0.05 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0DEPLOYMENTToken 0x608060405234801561000f575f80fd5b50600436106100a2575f3560e01c806306fdde03146100a6578063095ea7b3146100c45780630cd70909146100e75780…
- 1SLOAD(_name[data], _name[length]) ("", 0)
- 2SSTORE(_name[data], _name[length]) ("" to "NEURALNET", 0 to 9)
- 3SLOAD(_symbol[data], _symbol[length]) ("", 0)
- 4SSTORE(_symbol[data], _symbol[length]) ("" to "NEURALNET", 0 to 9)
- 5SSTORE_ots 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to 0x176de8848780ed53e56b3ec63c603b74a8db0dae13fb1e9451b15ddecc19b098
- 6SHA30x000000000000000000000000264308776337e585a6a5deb8320fbd2be6544a0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000xf4cbb108499a7f203c7d766f6130c749f9228fd3b907fd8bdfbde7ce78ad1516
- 7SSTORE_balances[0x264308776337e585a6a5deb8320fbd2be6544a01] 0 to 760000000000000000000000000
- 8LOGOwnershipTransferred (previousOwner= 0x264308776337e585a6a5deb8320fbd2be6544a01, newOwner= 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)