Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| Eth, ACT, UNI-V2 | +$37,080.48 | |||
Ether | +9.7179983 | | +$37,080.48 | ||
Act The AI Prophecy | +5.0772579e+9 | ||||
Uniswap V2 | -222040.54 | ||||
| Eth | +$0.00 | |||
Ether | +0.0000010973637 | | +$0.00 | ||
| Eth | +$0.00 | |||
Ether | +0.00000091340092 | | +$0.00 | ||
| Eth | +$0.00 | |||
Ether | +0.00000077425974 | | +$0.00 | ||
| Eth | -$37,080.49 | |||
Ether | -9.7180011 | | -$37,080.49 | ||
| ACT, WETH | -$37,105.66 | |||
Act The AI Prophecy | -5.0772579e+9 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | -9.7180011 | | -$37,105.66 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL199028 gas [RECV] UniswapV2Router02.removeLiquidityETH (token= Act The AI Prophecy, liquidity=222040536839559996591556, amountTokenMin=0, amountETHMin=0, to=[SEND] 0x9a863b5d30476d8d0e62a5bf5a6c6a4ab192e8c4, deadline=1732425012) (5077257885745115806169654437, 9718001109999999999)
- 1SHA30x41011d98670a534ccde11b2c1ff882a9b789008a42000000000000000000000000000000000000060x8d9a32383b16aa2a08253a065b7d48dabedccae77bb610cc58c8c219d28d2415
- 2SHA30xff8909dc15e40173ff4699343b6eb8132c65e18ec68d9a32383b16aa2a08253a065b7d48dabedccae77bb610cc58c8c219d28d241596e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f0xee4091e4cc719313de2ba6d0a5e81a76a779a34477e758c6864ea932e931ff28
- 3CALL32070 gas Uniswap V2.transferFrom (from=[SEND] 0x9a863b5d30476d8d0e62a5bf5a6c6a4ab192e8c4, to= Uniswap V2, value=222040536839559996591556) (true)
- 16CALL118383 gas Uniswap V2.burn (to=[RECV] UniswapV2Router02) (5077257885745115806169654437, 9718001109999999999)
- 77CALL25750 gas Act The AI Prophecy.transfer (to=[SEND] 0x9a863b5d30476d8d0e62a5bf5a6c6a4ab192e8c4, value=5077257885745115806169654437) (true)
- 86CALL9159 gas WETH9.withdraw (wad=9718001109999999999) (0x)
- 94CALL9 ETH [SEND] 0x9a863b5d30476d8d0e62a5bf5a6c6a4ab192e8c4.0x () (0x)