

L2 Txn fee 0.0000060144784 ETH

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    1351125 gas [RECV] ERC1967Proxy.createEditionWithReferral (name=Onchain Media Enthusiast, symbol=$OME, editionSize=18446744073709551615, royaltyBPS=500, fundsRecipient=[SEND] 0xff0c6ec0130575e51e9b7173f1e095f188e3d524, defaultAdmin=[SEND] 0xff0c6ec0130575e51e9b7173f1e095f188e3d524, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=Since the dawn of the writable web, we’ve inscribed our identities and aspirations onto the digital canvas of the internet. Through websites, blogs, and social networks, our user-generated media not only shaped the vast expanse of the digital realm, it brought it to life. \n\nOur media has – and always will – make the internet valuable. \n\nYet in this age of ubiquitous internet, the original incentive alignment between platform and user deteriorated into a unidirectional capture. Traditional social media platforms extract our contributions and commodify our digital presence. All the while maintaining ownership of our media and our social graphs. \n\nBut no more. \n\nEnter onchain media. For the first time in internet history, we can truly own our creative value and social connections. We, the early ones, who create and collect media onchain. \n\nWe mint onchain media to amplify the scene, to build cool shit with our friends, to remix the meme, to curate our digital persona. We mint to become who we aspire. \n\nEngrave your media onchain.\nCreate it, collect it, champion it.\n\nWlysm,\nVessel\n\nwww.onvessel.world, animationURI=, imageURI=ipfs://bafybeigkhaaovwrp2h655jcvhhwwhlu7ho6ranqyltl2mwt2yh7oii6et4, createReferral= 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) ( ERC1967Proxy)
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      1345929 gas ZoraNFTCreatorV1.createEditionWithReferral (name=Onchain Media Enthusiast, symbol=$OME, editionSize=18446744073709551615, royaltyBPS=500, fundsRecipient=[SEND] 0xff0c6ec0130575e51e9b7173f1e095f188e3d524, defaultAdmin=[SEND] 0xff0c6ec0130575e51e9b7173f1e095f188e3d524, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=Since the dawn of the writable web, we’ve inscribed our identities and aspirations onto the digital canvas of the internet. Through websites, blogs, and social networks, our user-generated media not only shaped the vast expanse of the digital realm, it brought it to life. \n\nOur media has – and always will – make the internet valuable. \n\nYet in this age of ubiquitous internet, the original incentive alignment between platform and user deteriorated into a unidirectional capture. Traditional social media platforms extract our contributions and commodify our digital presence. All the while maintaining ownership of our media and our social graphs. \n\nBut no more. \n\nEnter onchain media. For the first time in internet history, we can truly own our creative value and social connections. We, the early ones, who create and collect media onchain. \n\nWe mint onchain media to amplify the scene, to build cool shit with our friends, to remix the meme, to curate our digital persona. We mint to become who we aspire. \n\nEngrave your media onchain.\nCreate it, collect it, champion it.\n\nWlysm,\nVessel\n\nwww.onvessel.world, animationURI=, imageURI=ipfs://bafybeigkhaaovwrp2h655jcvhhwwhlu7ho6ranqyltl2mwt2yh7oii6et4, createReferral= 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000) ( ERC1967Proxy)