90 txns
16,767,642 gas used
Txn hash | Method | Idx | From | To | Value (ETH) | Fee (ETH) | Bribes (ETH) |
| 0 | | | 0 | 0.0 | 0 | |
0xd9e7c316 | 1 | | | 0 | 0.0000044989764 | 0 | |
| 2 | | | 0 | 9.4984713e-7 | 0 | |
0x1217a3ad | 3 | | | 0 | 0.0000040805298 | 0 | |
Transfer | 4 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 | |
Transfer | 5 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 | |
Transfer | 6 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 | |
Transfer | 7 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 | |
Transfer | 8 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 | |
Transfer | 9 | | | 0.0000041365978 | 3.1674277e-7 | 0 |
Top addresses
Address | Txns | Gas used | Fees (ETH) |
Celebrate the Ethereum (ETH) ETF approval | 1 | 3,872,343 (23.09%) | 0.000047655729 |
0xcd11…80e7 | 1 | 3,872,343 (23.09%) | 0.000047655729 |
EntryPoint | 2 | 1,928,848 (11.50%) | 0.000024179556 |
0xaa2e…f044 | 1 | 1,530,835 (9.13%) | 0.000019190165 |
UniswapV2Router02 | 13 | 1,489,619 (8.88%) | 0.000018167207 |
UniversalRouter | 9 | 1,194,763 (7.13%) | 0.000017662571 |
0xaa87…fb84 | 2 | 1,043,458 (6.22%) | 0.000013527273 |
0xe873…a6a8 | 1 | 521,729 (3.11%) | 0.0000064208546 |
0x9c71…c9e0 | 1 | 521,729 (3.11%) | 0.0000071064185 |
GelatoRelay1BalanceV2 | 2 | 512,960 (3.06%) | 0.0000064301692 |