Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH, $PHAI | +$14.65 | |||
Ether | +0.0040591921 | | +$14.65 | ||
Phantom AI | -13299743 | ||||
| ETH | +$4.52 | |||
Ether | +0.0012528584 | | +$4.52 | ||
| ETH | +$1.53 | |||
Ether | +0.000424024 | | +$1.53 | ||
| UNI-V2, $PHAI | 0 | |||
Uniswap V2 | +4.4518624 | ||||
Phantom AI | -612668.76 | ||||
| $PHAI, WETH | -$59.55 | |||
Phantom AI | +13912412 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | -0.01650948 | | -$59.55 | ||
| ETH | -$59.59 | |||
Ether | -0.01650948 | | -$59.59 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL502066 gas [RECV] UniversalRouter.execute0 (commands=0x0a080c, inputs=[3 elements], deadline=1675619567) (0x)
- 1SLOADisLocked 1
- 2SSTOREisLocked 1 to 2
- 3CALL30786 gas Permit2.permit0 (owner=[SEND] 0x3db1b001ac412cf57075248bf1c64cdf92c42214, permitSingle=[3 elements], signature=0xc27e5af9ef241a335c134dbdb2f0d5a1576049a5769054f74063701d94732f3509b47632f013989d804c2c65e2b25be00830cbf73a6d9981583e86f32d3fd7691b) (0x)
- 14SHA30xa4e27e0eebf8518ff7c4855c0115ff65e6dbc925c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc20x157fc9ec3a2d8f5e00b0c05e9a8602e8525df4465884545876d2a30e6f5abf85
- 15SHA30xff5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f157fc9ec3a2d8f5e00b0c05e9a8602e8525df4465884545876d2a30e6f5abf8596e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f0x6ff48b447f32ad5bc2807ee827e2de7be8d15616850a7102860ca8b354341759
- 16CALL391842 gas Permit2.transferFrom0 (from=[SEND] 0x3db1b001ac412cf57075248bf1c64cdf92c42214, to= Uniswap V2, amount=13299743191966282212509819, token= Phantom AI) (0x)
- 284STATICCALL2534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (0)
- 287STATICCALL504 gas Uniswap V2.getReserves () (898833207340296900534581912, 1103874494495130333, 1675617791)
- 289STATICCALL997 gas Phantom AI.balanceOf (account= Uniswap V2) (911467963372664868636466241)
- 292CALL36800 gas Uniswap V2.swap (amount0Out=0, amount1Out=15256621432011866, to=[RECV] UniversalRouter, data=0x) (0x)
- 320STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (15256621432011866)
- 323STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (15256621432011866)
- 326CALL9202 gas Wrapped Ether.withdraw (wad=15256621432011866) (0x)
- 334CALL0.02 ETH [SEND] 0x3db1b001ac412cf57075248bf1c64cdf92c42214.0x () (0x)
- 335SSTOREisLocked 2 to 1