Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH | +$3,649.66 | |||
Ether | +1 | | +$3,649.66 | ||
| STMPD, WETH | +$3,645.67 | |||
TRUMP STAMPEDE | +8.5000000e+1 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | +1 | | +$3,645.67 | ||
| ETH | +$0.01 | |||
Ether | +0.000002852592 | | +$0.01 | ||
| | 0 | |||
| +1000 | ||||
| ETH | -$54.54 | |||
Ether | -0.014943915 | | -$54.54 | ||
| +2.9154759e+23 | ||||
| ETH, STMPD | -$3,649.66 | |||
Ether | -1 | | -$3,649.66 | ||
TRUMP STAMPEDE | -8.5000000e+1 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL2891228 gas [RECV] TRUMP STAMPEDE.openTrading () (0x)
- 1
- 2SLOAD(swapEnabled, tradingOpen) (false, false)
- 3SSTOREstartBlock 0 to 20105356
- 4
- 5
- 6SHA30x0000000000000000000000003edf071eb4819c6a549424ebfe9bd8db088e446100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020xe905298c5b7bd829beeb369220f719236e41ec80b82f25744db8c2b83235c317
- 7SHA30x0000000000000000000000007a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488de905298c5b7bd829beeb369220f719236e41ec80b82f25744db8c2b83235c3170x01a9ba9c2ff99dbd39672de924461d31bc81992218123aa874c82e552cbb03d3
- 8SSTORE_allowances[0x3edf071eb4819c6a549424ebfe9bd8db088e4461][0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d] 0 to 100000000000000000000000000000
- 9LOGApproval (owner= TRUMP STAMPEDE, spender= UniswapV2Router02, value=100000000000000000000000000000)
- 10
- 11STATICCALL252 gas UniswapV2Router02.factory () ( UniswapV2Factory)
- 12
- 13STATICCALL275 gas UniswapV2Router02.WETH () ( Wrapped Ether)
- 14CALL2485204 gas UniswapV2Factory.createPair (tokenA=[RECV] TRUMP STAMPEDE, tokenB= Wrapped Ether) ( UniswapV2Pair)
- 47SSTORE(uniswapV2Pair, inSwap) ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to UniswapV2Pair, false)
- 48
- 49SHA30x0000000000000000000000003edf071eb4819c6a549424ebfe9bd8db088e446100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010x11ff0b6b943e11d5c3190597173eff7373ca457ba79242cb33cc67f2e2c86f38
- 50SLOAD_balances[0x3edf071eb4819c6a549424ebfe9bd8db088e4461] 100000000000000000000000000000
- 51
- 52CALL248439 gas, 1 ETH UniswapV2Router02.addLiquidityETH (token=[RECV] TRUMP STAMPEDE, amountTokenDesired=100000000000000000000000000000, amountTokenMin=0, amountETHMin=0, to=[SEND] 0x455f2a108a3842a5b352ab83501ea92527442127, deadline=1718552987) (100000000000000000000000000000, 1000000000000000000, 291547594742265023542707)
- 158SLOAD(uniswapV2Pair, inSwap) ( UniswapV2Pair, false)
- 159
- 160CALL24442 gas UniswapV2Pair.approve (spender= UniswapV2Router02, value=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935) (true)
- 165SLOAD(swapEnabled, tradingOpen) (false, false)
- 166SSTORE(swapEnabled, tradingOpen) (false to true, false to true)