Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH, SHIELD | +$23.91 | |||
Ether | +0.0061131618 | | +$23.91 | ||
Shibarium Shield | -1041264.4 | ||||
| ETH | +$1.16 | |||
Ether | +0.00029597261 | | +$1.16 | ||
| ETH | +$0.11 | |||
Ether | +0.0000288778 | | +$0.11 | ||
| SHIELD | 0 | |||
Shibarium Shield | +189052.88 | ||||
| ETH | -$50.81 | |||
Ether | -0.01299168 | | -$50.81 | ||
| SHIELD, WETH | -$50.82 | |||
Shibarium Shield | +852211.53 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | -0.01299168 | | -$50.82 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL333080 gas [RECV] UniversalRouter.execute0 (commands=0x0a080c, inputs=[3 elements], deadline=1679690831) (0x)
- 1SLOADisLocked 1
- 2SSTOREisLocked 1 to 2
- 3CALL30786 gas Permit2.permit0 (owner=[SEND] 0x901baa18f0ef8071f9ac2c302243aa6fa56693a1, permitSingle=[3 elements], signature=0xade79f2e7d6417cb89aafdd18416faf9ded3ce19ac155a55aec2c6c01f0ef502196cf2dffc9af306f69682d3076639a8dd979bfac1c68e131f49d854f24875541b) (0x)
- 14SHA30x072760ff58503c3224237d71adbef4981bea691dc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc20x8c53e7d55f7e6d7966a40f986a6f1b15fa292299ad6d925a9e3d2592ebb13a70
- 15SHA30xff5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f8c53e7d55f7e6d7966a40f986a6f1b15fa292299ad6d925a9e3d2592ebb13a7096e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f0x692c4155c5ff7ad68b499dd7e866d2ff2b8507f37bc55bc38b58b00ca8145874
- 16CALL222946 gas Permit2.transferFrom0 (from=[SEND] 0x901baa18f0ef8071f9ac2c302243aa6fa56693a1, to= Uniswap V2, amount=104126441674768, token= Shibarium Shield) (0x)
- 172STATICCALL2534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (0)
- 175STATICCALL504 gas Uniswap V2.getReserves () (7423002440105134, 1147419945236312464, 1679689067)
- 177STATICCALL952 gas Shibarium Shield.balanceOf (account= Uniswap V2) (7506303593444949)
- 180CALL36755 gas Uniswap V2.swap (amount0Out=0, amount1Out=12695707295037167, to=[RECV] UniversalRouter, data=0x) (0x)
- 208STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (12695707295037167)
- 211STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (12695707295037167)
- 214CALL9202 gas Wrapped Ether.withdraw (wad=12695707295037167) (0x)
- 222CALL0.01 ETH [SEND] 0x901baa18f0ef8071f9ac2c302243aa6fa56693a1.0x () (0x)
- 223SSTOREisLocked 2 to 1