Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| WETH, USDT | +$56.14 | |||
Wrapped Ether | +0.014007572 | | +$53.97 | ||
Tether USD | +2.166626 | | +$2.17 | ||
| ETH | +$40.26 | |||
Ether | +0.010431903 | | +$40.26 | ||
| ETH | -$40.26 | |||
Ether | -0.010431903 | | -$40.26 | ||
| WETH, USDT | -$56.14 | |||
Wrapped Ether | -0.014007572 | | -$53.97 | ||
Tether USD | -2.166626 | | -$2.17 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL516297 gas [RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH.rerange () (0x)
- 1SLOAD_status 1
- 2SSTORE_status 1 to 2
- 3SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 4STATICCALL2403 gas SorbettoStrategy.maxTwapDeviation () (40)
- 6SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 7STATICCALL398 gas SorbettoStrategy.twapDuration () (150)
- 10STATICCALL2696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 12STATICCALL9359 gas UniswapV3Pool.observe (secondsAgos=[2 elements]) ([2 elements], [2 elements])
- 17SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 19SHA30x275918144004f48b9eacc75820a3ba7f0a96a591fce9b0fcf1300x6a1f179b7f2f22985a35bc31d13633f5e1af247cabf488fab0a2c9ee19d0fa20
- 20STATICCALL9013 gas UniswapV3Pool.positions (name0=0x6a1f179b7f2f22985a35bc31d13633f5e1af247cabf488fab0a2c9ee19d0fa20) (99892487429420, 115792089237316195423570985008687907747775587862707145064882289849552200719816, 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984415307186604247993628849978619922, 0, 0)
- 27SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 28CALL48772 gas UniswapV3Pool.burn (tickLower=-202320, tickUpper=-200400, amount=0) (0, 0)
- 55SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 56CALL52606 gas UniswapV3Pool.collect (recipient=[RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH, tickLower=-202320, tickUpper=-200400, amount0Requested=340282366920938463463374607431768211455, amount1Requested=340282366920938463463374607431768211455) (1803248448404110, 3747132)
- 99SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 100STATICCALL2380 gas SorbettoStrategy.protocolFee () (100000)
- 102SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 103STATICCALL380 gas SorbettoStrategy.protocolFee () (100000)
- 105SLOADaccruedProtocolFees0 277580493977647
- 106SSTOREaccruedProtocolFees0 277580493977647 to 457905338818058
- 107SLOADaccruedProtocolFees1 392748
- 108SSTOREaccruedProtocolFees1 392748 to 767461
- 109SLOADusersFees0 2498224445798895
- 110SSTOREusersFees0 2498224445798895 to 4121148049362594
- 111SLOADusersFees1 3534784
- 112SSTOREusersFees1 3534784 to 6907203
- 113SLOADusersFees0 4121148049362594
- 114LOGCollectFees (feesFromPool0=1803248448404110, feesFromPool1=3747132, usersFees0=4121148049362594, usersFees1=6907203)
- 115SLOADtoken0PerShareStored 2721345204484853042867
- 116SLOAD_totalSupply 293389348219
- 117SSTOREtoken0PerShareStored 2721345204484853042867 to 8252982986890880700193
- 118SLOADtoken1PerShareStored 3997558218448
- 119SLOAD_totalSupply 293389348219
- 120SSTOREtoken1PerShareStored 3997558218448 to 15492246149254
- 121SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 122SLOAD
- 123SHA30x275918144004f48b9eacc75820a3ba7f0a96a591fce9b0fcf1300x6a1f179b7f2f22985a35bc31d13633f5e1af247cabf488fab0a2c9ee19d0fa20
- 124STATICCALL1013 gas UniswapV3Pool.positions (name0=0x6a1f179b7f2f22985a35bc31d13633f5e1af247cabf488fab0a2c9ee19d0fa20) (99892487429420, 115792089237316195423570985008687907753918328582854043201717330850907310070416, 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984428071742915809098377911574393325, 0, 0)
- 130CALL50890 gas UniswapV3Pool.burn (tickLower=-202320, tickUpper=-200400, amount=99892487429420) (0, 407090391)
- 175CALL13858 gas UniswapV3Pool.collect (recipient=[RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH, tickLower=-202320, tickUpper=-200400, amount0Requested=340282366920938463463374607431768211455, amount1Requested=340282366920938463463374607431768211455) (0, 407090391)
- 206STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH) (15811554920022922)
- 209STATICCALL1031 gas Tether USD.balanceOf (who=[RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH) (413004149)
- 213LOGSnapshot (totalAmount0=15811554920022922, totalAmount1=413004149)
- 214SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 215STATICCALL360 gas SorbettoStrategy.tickRangeMultiplier () (16)
- 217SLOAD
- 218STATICCALL696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 220STATICCALL696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 222STATICCALL696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 224STATICCALL696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 226SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320, -200400, true)
- 227SSTORE(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -202320 to -217140, -200400 to -198900, true)
- 228SLOAD
- 229STATICCALL696 gas UniswapV3Pool.slot0 () (3625796593525664503133736, -199851, 2, 10, 10, 0, true)
- 231SLOAD
- 232SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -217140, -198900, true)
- 233CALL221287 gas UniswapV3Pool.mint (recipient=[RECV] Popsicle LP V3 USDT/WETH, tickLower=-217140, tickUpper=-198900, amount=15594316110099, data=0x000000000000000000000000275918144004f48b9eacc75820a3ba7f0a96a591) (15810820546373730, 413004149)
- 335SLOAD(strategy, tickLower, tickUpper, finalized) ( SorbettoStrategy, -217140, -198900, true)
- 336LOGRerange (tickLower=-217140, tickUpper=-198900, amount0=15810820546373730, amount1=413004149)
- 337SSTORE_status 2 to 1