Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| USDC | +$99.94 | |||
USD Coin | +100 | | +$99.94 | ||
| aUSDC | +$99.68 | |||
Aave interest bearing USDC | +100 | | +$99.68 | ||
| aUSDC | +$15.60 | |||
Aave interest bearing USDC | +15.648006 | | +$15.60 | ||
| ETH | +$2.20 | |||
Ether | +0.000579938 | | +$2.20 | ||
| 88mph-aUSDC-Deposit | 0 | |||
88mph aUSDC Pool Deposit (#111) | -1 | ||||
| ETH, USDC, 88mph-aUSDC-Deposit | -$146.75 | |||
Ether | -0.012331407 | | -$46.81 | ||
USD Coin | -100 | | -$99.94 | ||
88mph aUSDC Pool Deposit (#111) | +1 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL640934 gas [RECV] DInterest.deposit (amount=100000000, maturationTimestamp=1685662827) (0x)
- 1SLOAD(_notEntered, _owner) (true, 0x56f34826cc63151f74fa8f701e4f73c5eaae52ad)
- 2SLOAD(_notEntered, _owner) (true, 0x56f34826cc63151f74fa8f701e4f73c5eaae52ad)
- 3SSTORE(_notEntered, _owner) (true to false, 0x56f34826cc63151f74fa8f701e4f73c5eaae52ad)
- 4SLOADMinDepositAmount 100000000
- 5SLOADMaxDepositAmount 500000000000
- 6SLOADMinDepositPeriod 604800
- 7SLOADMaxDepositPeriod 31556952
- 8SLOADtotalDeposit 449766696
- 9SSTOREtotalDeposit 449766696 to 549766696
- 10SLOADdeposits[length] 110
- 11SLOADunfundedUserDepositAmount 239263804
- 12SSTOREunfundedUserDepositAmount 239263804 to 339263804
- 14CALL53685 gas EMAOracle.updateAndQuery () (true, 1940552581)
- 39CALL15963 gas AaveMarket.totalValue () (6069356623)
- 53SLOADtotalInterestOwed 13568399
- 54SLOADtotalDeposit 549766696
- 55
- 56STATICCALL3689 gas LinearInterestModel.calculateInterestAmount (depositAmount=100000000, depositPeriodInSeconds=12961192, moneyMarketInterestRatePerSecond=1940552581, name3=false, name4=5506021528) (1257593)
- 58SLOADtotalInterestOwed 13568399
- 59SSTOREtotalInterestOwed 13568399 to 14825992
- 61CALL468 gas MPHMinterLegacy.mintDepositorReward (name0=[SEND] ebvbechvkwv.eth, name1=100000000, name2=12961192, name3=1257593) (0)
- 63CALL4133 gas AaveMarket.incomeIndex () (1080633135782628233523072913)
- 76SLOADdeposits[length] 110
- 77SSTOREdeposits[length] 110 to 111
- 78SHA30x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010xb10e2d527612073b26eecdfd717e6a320cf44b4afac2b0732d9fcbe2b7fa0cf6
- 79SSTOREdeposits[110].amount 0 to 100000000
- 80SSTOREdeposits[110].maturationTimestamp 0 to 1685662827
- 81SSTOREdeposits[110].interestOwed 0 to 1257593
- 82SSTOREdeposits[110].initialMoneyMarketIncomeIndex 0 to 1080633135782628233523072913
- 83SLOAD(deposits[110].active, deposits[110].finalSurplusIsNegative) (false, false)
- 84SSTORE(deposits[110].active, deposits[110].finalSurplusIsNegative) (false to true, false)
- 87SSTOREdeposits[110].depositTimestamp 0 to 1672701635
- 89CALL49992 gas USD Coin.transferFrom (from=[SEND] ebvbechvkwv.eth, to=[RECV] DInterest, value=100000000) (true)
- 120SLOAD
- 121SLOAD
- 122STATICCALL3426 gas USD Coin.allowance (owner=[RECV] DInterest, spender= AaveMarket) (0)
- 129CALL25767 gas USD Coin.approve (spender= AaveMarket, value=100000000) (true)
- 142SLOAD
- 143CALL221936 gas AaveMarket.deposit (amount=100000000) (0x)
- 345
- 346CALL49555 gas 88mph aUSDC Pool Deposit.mint (to=[SEND] ebvbechvkwv.eth, tokenId=111) (0x)
- 357LOGEDeposit (sender= ebvbechvkwv.eth, depositID=111, amount=100000000, maturationTimestamp=1685662827, interestAmount=1257593, mintMPHAmount=0)
- 358SLOAD(_notEntered, _owner) (false, 0x56f34826cc63151f74fa8f701e4f73c5eaae52ad)
- 359SSTORE(_notEntered, _owner) (false to true, 0x56f34826cc63151f74fa8f701e4f73c5eaae52ad)