

Txn fee 0.0085084617 ETH

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    1328003 gas [RECV] ZoraNFTCreatorProxy.createEdition (name=The Merge or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Liquid Splits, symbol=MERGE, editionSize=18446744073709551615, royaltyBPS=1000, fundsRecipient= 0x02f94c997c784bb2c9473d3085208072c669ed47, defaultAdmin=[SEND] sweetman.eth, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=5.67 ETH was stuck in The Merge Contract ($7,537.09).\n\nthe memes: 🦠\n- The Merge\n- Liquid Splits\n- EIP2929\n\nwhere I failed: 😓\n- I failed to know transfer has a strict gas-limit of 2,300\n- I failed to write a withdraw method that worked with Song-A-Day DAO's Gnosis Safe\n- I failed to build a solution with EIP2929\n\nwhere I succeeded: \n- I wasn't afraid to admit I failed & ask for help\n- I never gave up. I kept trying until...\n- I FOUND A SOLUTION 🌈\n\nAll funds received from this project are divided using 0xSplits:\n- Liquid Split: The Merge\n- Ethereum Core Devs\n- Song a Day DAO\n- myself (creator)\n- Split: 0x02F94C997C784bB2c9473D3085208072c669Ed47\n\nFull Video on YouTube: 🎬\nhttps://youtu.be/pze6L71Ij9s , animationURI=ipfs://bafybeibjvvtru3compgmn2v4usfeqepl64a5qx7psss4hcvvagiekpufea, imageURI=ipfs://bafkreid7qqmplne4b4rgbna6hbjwvanzsjdh5t5vxu73h7f63lizzwuhem) ( ERC721DropProxy)
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      1322790 gas ZoraNFTCreatorV1.createEdition (name=The Merge or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Liquid Splits, symbol=MERGE, editionSize=18446744073709551615, royaltyBPS=1000, fundsRecipient= 0x02f94c997c784bb2c9473d3085208072c669ed47, defaultAdmin=[SEND] sweetman.eth, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=5.67 ETH was stuck in The Merge Contract ($7,537.09).\n\nthe memes: 🦠\n- The Merge\n- Liquid Splits\n- EIP2929\n\nwhere I failed: 😓\n- I failed to know transfer has a strict gas-limit of 2,300\n- I failed to write a withdraw method that worked with Song-A-Day DAO's Gnosis Safe\n- I failed to build a solution with EIP2929\n\nwhere I succeeded: \n- I wasn't afraid to admit I failed & ask for help\n- I never gave up. I kept trying until...\n- I FOUND A SOLUTION 🌈\n\nAll funds received from this project are divided using 0xSplits:\n- Liquid Split: The Merge\n- Ethereum Core Devs\n- Song a Day DAO\n- myself (creator)\n- Split: 0x02F94C997C784bB2c9473D3085208072c669Ed47\n\nFull Video on YouTube: 🎬\nhttps://youtu.be/pze6L71Ij9s , animationURI=ipfs://bafybeibjvvtru3compgmn2v4usfeqepl64a5qx7psss4hcvvagiekpufea, imageURI=ipfs://bafkreid7qqmplne4b4rgbna6hbjwvanzsjdh5t5vxu73h7f63lizzwuhem) ( ERC721DropProxy)