Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH, ROTATOR | +$281.42 | |||
Ether | +0.078349951 | | +$281.42 | ||
Rotator | -8283.3477 | ||||
| ETH | +$0.06 | |||
Ether | +0.0000173482 | | +$0.06 | ||
| ROTATOR, WETH | -$329.98 | |||
Rotator | +8283.3477 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | -0.09212832 | | -$329.98 | ||
| ETH | -$330.91 | |||
Ether | -0.09212832 | | -$330.91 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL180594 gas [RECV] UniversalRouter.execute0 (commands=0x0a080c, inputs=[3 elements], deadline=1681917275) (0x)
- 1SLOADisLocked 1
- 2SSTOREisLocked 1 to 2
- 3CALL30786 gas Permit2.permit0 (owner=[SEND] rotatordeployer.eth, permitSingle=[3 elements], signature=0x9ef89ef627b93956111c7e751013d9a9675df46ca5958aaca16dff20e076b91a2708dcf2a3ecb32013fb7f337426b8f73bdd0b6df2aa347a24e08d9e0ccaa8181b) (0x)
- 14SHA30x14d0f1d9a0d14c9860a0911a5008aeeb60f10531c02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc20x4bc4464692519ca0c497e2dc544b1a588c6b50e96cddd9ac3373faf0fce83c79
- 15SHA30xff5c69bee701ef814a2b6a3edd4b1652cb9cc5aa6f4bc4464692519ca0c497e2dc544b1a588c6b50e96cddd9ac3373faf0fce83c7996e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f0xe62ddd17d84cde989ccfff29a7e34647dd66a792f65fc4c2a6409124a72d57bf
- 16CALL40012 gas Permit2.transferFrom0 (from=[SEND] rotatordeployer.eth, to= Uniswap V2, amount=8283347694239682400390, token= Rotator) (0x)
- 49STATICCALL2534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (0)
- 52STATICCALL2504 gas Uniswap V2.getReserves () (306059208687479500192707, 3506395890093051251, 1681914863)
- 54STATICCALL668 gas Rotator.balanceOf (account= Uniswap V2) (314342556381719182593097)
- 57CALL60487 gas Uniswap V2.swap (amount0Out=0, amount1Out=92128319971773671, to=[RECV] UniversalRouter, data=0x) (0x)
- 89STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (92128319971773671)
- 92STATICCALL534 gas Wrapped Ether.balanceOf (name0=[RECV] UniversalRouter) (92128319971773671)
- 95CALL9202 gas Wrapped Ether.withdraw (wad=92128319971773671) (0x)
- 103CALL0.09 ETH [SEND] rotatordeployer.eth.0x () (0x)
- 104SSTOREisLocked 2 to 1