Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH | +$362.49 | |||
Ether | +0.098 | | +$362.49 | ||
| +9.4978383e+26 | ||||
| ETH | +$9.86 | |||
Ether | +0.0026646525 | | +$9.86 | ||
| ETH | +$7.40 | |||
Ether | +0.002 | | +$7.40 | ||
| ETH | -$411.60 | |||
Ether | -0.1112788 | | -$411.60 | ||
| +5.0216173e+25 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL5304709 gas, 0.10 ETH [RECV] BullaFunDeployer.deployAndBuy (_name=BULLA CAT, _ticker=BCAT, _picture=https://bc-beta.bulla.fun/uploads/1726033765189-aa765899-a6a2-4cbb-b408-85961f084d85.png, _maxWalletAmount=2, _buyTax=0, _sellTax=0, _tokenId=29, _buy=true, _degen=false) (0x)
- 1CREATEMemeCoin 0x608060405260043610610248575f3560e01c8063735de9f711610134578063b198155d116100b3578063cf602ebc11610078578063cf602ebc1461068d578063…
- 75SSTOREtokens[length] 11 to 12
- 76
- 77
- 78
- 79
- 80SLOAD(tokens[11].name[data], tokens[11].name[length]) ("", 0)
- 81SSTORE(tokens[11].name[data], tokens[11].name[length]) ("" to "BULLA CAT", 0 to 9)
- 82SLOAD(tokens[11].ticker[data], tokens[11].ticker[length]) ("", 0)
- 83SSTORE(tokens[11].ticker[data], tokens[11].ticker[length]) ("" to "BCAT", 0 to 4)
- 85SHA30xb10e2d527612073b26eecdfd717e6a320cf44b4afac2b0732d9fcbe2b7fa0d5d0x7bb7eed186ced582573b3c78d8be2f73151273b35b0632bc57709c9848053bca
- 86SSTOREtokens[11].picture[0] " " to "https://bc-beta.bulla.fun/upload"
- 87SSTOREtokens[11].picture[1] " " to "s/1726033765189-aa765899-a6a2-4c"
- 88SSTOREtokens[11].picture[2] " " to "bb-b408-85961f084d85.png "
- 89SSTOREtokens[11].picture[length] 0 to 88
- 92SSTOREtokens[11].tokenId 0 to 29
- 93SLOADtokens[11].degen false
- 94SSTOREtokens[11].degen false
- 95SLOADtokenCount 11
- 96SLOADtokenCount 11
- 97SSTOREtokenCount 11 to 12
- 98LOGTokenCreated (tokenAddress= MemeCoin, creator= 0xf3d37ba79bf42cc48ad1439efa9897c5458f5fc0, name=BULLA CAT, ticker=BCAT, picture=https://bc-beta.bulla.fun/uploads/1726033765189-aa765899-a6a2-4cbb-b408-85961f084d85.png, buyTax=0, sellTax=0, tokenId=29, degen=false)
- 99STATICCALL1685 gas MemeCoin.calculateTokenAmount (ethAmount=98000000000000000) (50216172964081946114501557)
- 102CALL132297 gas, 0.10 ETH MemeCoin.buyTokens (buyer=[SEND] 0xf3d37ba79bf42cc48ad1439efa9897c5458f5fc0, slippageAmount=0) (0x)
- 140STATICCALL372 gas MemeCoin.listed () (false)
- 142LOGTokenBuy (buyerAddress= 0xf3d37ba79bf42cc48ad1439efa9897c5458f5fc0, tokenAddress= MemeCoin, ethAmountAfterFee=98000000000000000, tokenAmountReceived=50216172964081946114501557, listedStatus=false)