

Txn fee 0.016587592 ETH

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    1033387 gas [RECV] ZoraNFTCreatorProxy.createEdition (name=The Madoff NFT, symbol=THM, editionSize=999, royaltyBPS=800, fundsRecipient=[SEND] 0x5151314148502be0b739945e756169811609a709, defaultAdmin=[SEND] 0x5151314148502be0b739945e756169811609a709, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=Your greed wants me to manage your money.\nYou don't care how I do it.\nYou just want the returns.\nYou are just as culpable as I am.\n\nCollateral damage means nothing to you.\nPeople lose in order for you to win.\nBut you just want the alpha.\nYou are just as culpable as I am.\n\nRemember that next time your shitcoin pumps.\nAs the greed consumes your entire existence.\nAs you feel the rush of euphoria pumping through your veins.\nYou are just culpable as I am.\n\nFREE MINT! \n\n**Open Edition Collection of 999.**\n\n**FREE to mint. 8% royalty. Max 3 per wallet**, animationURI=, imageURI=ipfs://bafkreib2vruksfmsfglbifk5oxpafimay6xx6fa5lerowoefzoxkdpq7yy) ( ERC721DropProxy)
    • 1
    • 2
      1028243 gas ZoraNFTCreatorV1.createEdition (name=The Madoff NFT, symbol=THM, editionSize=999, royaltyBPS=800, fundsRecipient=[SEND] 0x5151314148502be0b739945e756169811609a709, defaultAdmin=[SEND] 0x5151314148502be0b739945e756169811609a709, saleConfig=[7 elements], description=Your greed wants me to manage your money.\nYou don't care how I do it.\nYou just want the returns.\nYou are just as culpable as I am.\n\nCollateral damage means nothing to you.\nPeople lose in order for you to win.\nBut you just want the alpha.\nYou are just as culpable as I am.\n\nRemember that next time your shitcoin pumps.\nAs the greed consumes your entire existence.\nAs you feel the rush of euphoria pumping through your veins.\nYou are just culpable as I am.\n\nFREE MINT! \n\n**Open Edition Collection of 999.**\n\n**FREE to mint. 8% royalty. Max 3 per wallet**, animationURI=, imageURI=ipfs://bafkreib2vruksfmsfglbifk5oxpafimay6xx6fa5lerowoefzoxkdpq7yy) ( ERC721DropProxy)