Balance changes
Address | Token(s) swapped | Balance | Price | Value change | |
| ETH | +$3,616.02 | |||
Ether | +0.9 | | +$3,616.02 | ||
| NOPE, WETH | +$3,613.42 | |||
Nope Pepe | +4.2780000e+13 | ||||
Wrapped Ether | +0.9 | | +$3,613.42 | ||
| ETH | +$11.27 | |||
Ether | +0.002804802 | | +$11.27 | ||
| | 0 | |||
| +1000 | ||||
| ETH | -$143.01 | |||
Ether | -0.035592983 | | -$143.01 | ||
| +1.9621927e+2 | ||||
| ETH, NOPE | -$3,616.02 | |||
Ether | -0.9 | | -$3,616.02 | ||
Nope Pepe | -4.2780000e+13 |
Invocation flow
Full trace
- 0CALL2843438 gas [RECV] Nope Pepe.openTrading () (0x)
- 2SLOAD(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, false, false, false)
- 3
- 4
- 5SHA30x00000000000000000000000045af054d74794db92501084bede0e561712d119f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020xe6d0bb1447840055e3ec8ff54cf2ba30b7b635962d2aa3480631c69be0ba2d2f
- 6SHA30x0000000000000000000000007a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488de6d0bb1447840055e3ec8ff54cf2ba30b7b635962d2aa3480631c69be0ba2d2f0xc91a4f409aaf34846f44a091faaa57eab72cec8f75d0c91c2abeedb3b3ced404
- 7SSTORE_allowances[0x45af054d74794db92501084bede0e561712d119f][0x7a250d5630b4cf539739df2c5dacb4c659f2488d] 0 to 69000000000000000000000
- 8LOGApproval (owner= Nope Pepe, spender= UniswapV2Router02, value=69000000000000000000000)
- 9
- 10STATICCALL252 gas UniswapV2Router02.factory () ( UniswapV2Factory)
- 11
- 12STATICCALL275 gas UniswapV2Router02.WETH () ( Wrapped Ether)
- 13CALL2485204 gas UniswapV2Factory.createPair (tokenA=[RECV] Nope Pepe, tokenB= Wrapped Ether) ( UniswapV2Pair)
- 45SLOAD(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000, false, false, false)
- 46SSTORE(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to UniswapV2Pair, false, false, false)
- 47
- 48SHA30x00000000000000000000000045af054d74794db92501084bede0e561712d119f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010x19abba1e7b235b13198e73fdf88ed03d657d38d9f596db3b6e3bea4b9490bfe7
- 49SLOAD_balances[0x45af054d74794db92501084bede0e561712d119f] 69000000000000000000000
- 51CALL244658 gas, 0.90 ETH UniswapV2Router02.addLiquidityETH (token=[RECV] Nope Pepe, amountTokenDesired=69000000000000000000000, amountTokenMin=0, amountETHMin=0, to=[SEND] nopepepe.eth, deadline=1712998367) (69000000000000000000000, 900000000000000000, 196219265109213982112)
- 154SLOAD(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( UniswapV2Pair, false, false, false)
- 155
- 156CALL24442 gas UniswapV2Pair.approve (spender= UniswapV2Router02, value=115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935) (true)
- 161SLOAD(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( UniswapV2Pair, false, false, false)
- 162SSTORE(uniswapV2Pair, tradingOpen, inSwap, swapEnabled) ( UniswapV2Pair, false to true, false, false to true)